Thank you so much Aaron from http://www.scrappinlilscreativeside.blogspot.com for this awesome blog award, that was really sweet of you.
So the rules go, telling 8 things about myself:
1) I love to snuggle with my kids on the couch and watch movies.
2) I read the twilight series in 2 weeks, and loved them.
3) I am a Girl Scout troop leader.
4) I love coffee.
5) I never read a manual to anything and wing it.
6) I love to take pictures of my dogs when they are sleeping.
7) I love hanging out with Jimmy(my dh).
8) I love everything about scrapping, it's my therapy.
Next rule is sending this to 8 others ...
1)Bea @ http://www.2bea.blogspot.com
2)Mel @ http://www.doxiemeldesigns.blogspot.com
3)Blanca @ http://www.papergirl11077.blogspot.com
4)Teresa @ http://www.frommyhappyplace.blogspot.com
5)Julie @ http://www.pitababefromoz.blogspot.com
6)Zandra @ http://www.scrapstobeautybyzandra.blogspot.com
7)Cristal @ http://www.busycreating.com
8)Drew @ http://www.scrappyhappiness.com
Thanks again Aaron for the award...it made my day!!!